Disaster movies and end of the world movies always scare me because they're not too far fetched. Certain aspects are, but anything is possible, really. Ice caps melting and drowning us. Asteroids hitting the Earth and killing us. Totally plausible. So seeing Contagion was just another movie to add to that list. I'm not going to lie, this movie is scary. Something so simple created a huge problem in the world. I don't want to ruin it in case you haven't seen it yet, but the cause of the outbreak is so simple and that's what makes the movie so scary. I'm never going anywhere without hand sanitizer again! Another thing that scared the crap out of me is the fact that the human race falls apart so easily. People will do anything to get an antidote. They will rob you, trample you, kill you, anything to get what they need to stay alive. People stop thinking normally and just do anything to survive. It makes me realize where the saying "every man for himself" came from.
Aside from the scary shit, the movie is pretty good. Every good actor ever is in this movie so that helps for sure, but the way the movie is mapped out is pretty well done as well. The movie starts on day 2 and continues through with everyone getting sick and what not and the last scene is day 1 and how the outbreak started. Interesting concept. Kind of wraps everything into a nice little ball. There were some aspects left unanswered making me wonder if there will be a Contagion 2, but part of me just hopes that everything was fine in the world again after the credits rolled.
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