Monday, October 24, 2011

American Horror Story

I finally had a chance to sit down and watch American Horror Story and write this. Before I watched the pilot, I read some reviews and comments and they were all pretty interesting and I was very curious because number one the commercials looked cool and number two it's written by Ryan freaking Murphy. How can one guy write two completely different shows? I had to find out for myself. So I watched the pilot and it was very weird, but I wanted more. I finally got a minute to watch the second episode and it was freaking weird too, but there's definitely a lot that makes me want to come back. I'm very curious to see where it will go. At this point there doesn't seem to be any real story line that can be followed from episode to episode, which is different, but there's still something about it that keeps my interest. The basic premise of the show is a husband and wife move to LA with their teenage daughter to get away from the past where the husband cheated on the wife. They find a very pretty house in LA that is a lot cheaper than it should be and of course it's because there was a murder suicide in the basement. They decide to move in anyway because where would the show be without a little craziness and weird shit starts happening. They start seeing things that aren't there, sleep walking etc. Probably not the best show to watch while I was home alone at night, but I'm a masochist. It's very interesting for Ryan Murphy so if you're going to watch it, I recommend watching when the sun is up, but it's definitely worth a watch.

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