Thursday, October 6, 2011

Disney 3D

I thought 3D movies were on their way out. I thought people were getting sick and tired of 3D because it was so over played. Well, for some reason Disney seems to be capitalizing on 3D movies. They plan on bringing back The Little Mermaid, Monsters Inc, Beauty and the Beast, and Finding Nemo. I guess Lion King 3D has been so popular that they're hoping for success with these movies. Honestly, I love these movies, but I have absolutely no desire to see any of them in 3D. Maybe Finding Nemo, but even then, not so much. Has Disney lost the ability to come up with other movies? Tangled was really good so there has to be more movie magic in there somewhere. Why go back to old movies and bring them out in 3D? I'm disappointed.

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