Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Breaking News!

I have so many blogs that I need to write, but I felt this one needed to be posted immediately. Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries are getting a divorce after only 72 days of marriage. Of course, people are saying that this was all a publicity stunt and it was all done just to get money. I watched the 2 part wedding special on E! and I don't think it was fake. The couple didn't seem to be getting along at the rehearsal dinner because Kris just didn't care about anything and was giving answers to questions to clearly piss people off so I'm thinking things just went down hill from there. I'm also thinking that the second they got engaged, E! wanted to make a TV special and the couple was kind of forced into things. Kim probably knew before the wedding that this wasn't going to work out, but for some reason did it anyway. Plus, Kris is so young! I don't know many guys who are ready for marriage at age 26, especially professional basketball players. It didn't really add up in my opinion. Either way, the wedding looked freaking beautiful and the Kardashians made millions of dollars off of the special so is this really a loss for anyone? Is that heartless to say?

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