Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Ringer Review

I wanted to give Ringer a few episodes before I made any comments and Tuesday night was episode 2 so here it goes. I was a little worried about the show because Sarah Michelle Gellar is kind of a one note actress and it seems nothing has changed. The first episode wasn't very good and I was kind of ready to change the channel 15 minutes in and when it came to the second episode I wanted to watch The Biggest Loser instead. I'm sad it's come to this. Buffy will always be an awesome show and Sarah Michelle Gellar will always be known for that, but I'm not sure she's able to go much further.

The story thus far is a bit confusing and I know a lot of that is done on purpose so you come back for more, but it's confusing to the point where you kind of stop paying attention. Sarah plays twin girls, Siobhan and Bridget. Bridget is a recovering alcoholic and drug addict and goes to see her sister after not seeing her for a long time because of her addictions. They hang out on a boat in the worst CG scene ever where Bridget falls asleep, which was horribly edited by the way. She wakes up to find that her sister is gone and because of what she sees around her she believes that her sister has committed suicide. She finds a medicine bottle rolling around on deck with her sisters wedding ring inside. So of course the only think Bridget can think to do is take on Siobhan's identity, which means she takes on all her life problems without knowing it. The part that hurts my brain is that the audience finds out that Siobhan isn't really dead. She's sitting somewhere staring at herself in a mirror. Promo picture! It's just weird. Then, the second episode was all about some body Bridget tries to hide in a trunk. The plot line went absolutely no where. Shows on The CW tend to be kind of lame so needless to say I'm disappointed. See why I wanted to stay watching The Biggest Loser instead. I feel like I would be betraying my teen years if I stopped watching the show so I'll give it a few more episodes before I stop, but I have a feeling it might come to that. Sad day. Sarah, I'll never forget you in I Know What You Did Last Summer and Buffy.

Anyone else watching?

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