Monday, September 19, 2011

The Evolution of Money

Well, it's official. Our cell phones will now be taking over the world. If you thought they had already just wait for this. Google is launching their digital payment service where all you have to do is wave your phone in front of the cash register and your purchase is complete. Part of me thinks this is kind of cool, but the other part of me likes paying with cash and credit cards. It makes me know how much is being spent where. I mean say for example I only want to give myself $20 per week in cash to spend. It would be easier to keep track of that if I had a $20 bill as opposed to waving my phone all over the place. Obviously, cash and credit card options will still be available, but for how much longer? Eventually, we'll all be forced to pay via cell phone right? These phone waving terminals are pretty rare at the moment, but it's only a matter of time before they're everywhere. Also, imagine all the problems that can come from this. My phone freezes often and it's probably easier to hack into someone's information through their phone. Wallets are stolen too and I guess if a phone was stolen it would be similar. Maybe I'm just trying to find all the things wrong with this because I don't want technology to take over and become a Fahrenheit 451 world.

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