Sunday, September 18, 2011

Werewolf Karate

It's been way too long and I apologize. I try to check the news as much as possible, but I feel like I've been living under a rock for a little bit. Kind of sucks. I will definitely have some updates next weekend though. I promise. In the mean time, am I alone in thinking that it's odd to see Taylor Lautner in previews for a real movie? I kind of expected Twilight to be done and for him to go away and never be seen again, but that's clearly not happening. His new movie is Abduction, which looks like a major action flick. I feel like he looks a little young. Action movies like this tend to have the older Indiana Jones type guys so he kind of looks like he put on daddy's suit and it's too big for him, but apparently he does a lot of his own stunts so maybe he will be good. He's a cute kid and his female followers will probably swarm the theatres for this so I'm sure the movie will do just fine. I guess we will have to wait and see. I have no desire to see the movie though.

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