Thursday, July 28, 2011

Toy Story 4?

Is there really going to be a Toy Story 4 movie in 2015? According to Tom Hanks and John Lasseter, there might be. I really really hope they’re just playing around. Pixar isn’t one of those companies to kill a project just for the money. I feel like Toy Story 4 would be doing just that. Andy has given up his toys so now the adventure continues with Bonnie. She’s super cute and all, but I think Andy needs to be around. Sigh. Please don’t let this be a flop. I'm already scared with everyone saying Cars 2 was a flop even though it was very good. I don't want Pixar to fail.


  1. This is how the plot will go: Years after Andy gave Bonnie the toys she still holds onto them remembering the fun they brought her and the crush she had on Andy. Now years later Bonnie runs into Andy in the streets of the big city and they fall madly deeply in love, get married and find themselves expecting a little Andy Jr. needless to say the toys, now awaiting little AJ find themselves in a heap of trouble in the big city when the baby toys start to show up....
