Friday, July 29, 2011

Good Friday

I hadn’t heard of the movie Life in a Day until a friend posted the trailer on Facebook and then I immediately felt like I lived under a rock. Apparently, last year YouTube had this thing where it asked people to film their daily activities and send it in and then of course they created this documentary with all of that footage. The people who sent in the footage didn’t try to do anything special, they just sent in daily routines and activities. I read an article the other day about how the directors had to watch 600 hours of footage. How grueling! But whatever these directors saw and pieced together looks amazing. The trailer looks absolutely stunning.

The movie takes place on July 24, 2010 and starts with people waking up and it shows their morning routines and a lot of them are the same where people turn off the alarm clock and brush their teeth, etc. It takes us through the day with all of these various people doing their everyday things. The thing that I find interesting about this documentary is that each one of these clips from totally different people around the world has a theme. People want their lives to mean something and have the same wants and fears. So naturally, that’s the theme of the movie. That all people everywhere want to be loved and don’t want to be alone. The documentary seems to map that and I love it. It’s always nice to know that people out there have the same fears and it’s always interesting to see how they overcome them.

I’m really excited to see this. It comes out in select theatres today. It looks very uplifting and might be one of those movies to show us that we’re not alone and what we do and feel is normal.

Have an uplifting weekend everyone.

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