Monday, July 25, 2011

Manic Monday

Sad day. I'm sure you've all heard that on Saturday morning, Amy Winehouse was found dead in her house in London. I was shocked, but not at the same time. I mean, we all knew she had some major drug and alcohol issues and she said herself that they tried to make her go to rehab and she said no. I feel kind of bad because even her mom was quoted saying it was only a matter of time so it seems like no one was able to get through to Amy. She was definitely talented, but a little strange. She falls into that 27 club thing where a handful of rock stars died at the age of 27: Janis Joplin, Kurt Cobain, Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Brian Jones and many others. I find that very interesting. Is that like the golden age or something? Like Final Destination seeks rock stars who are 27? Either way it's a shame and my heart goes out to her family and fans.

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