Friday, July 22, 2011

Good Friday

Ugh! Rebecca Black is back with a song called My Moment. It’s so awful. At least Friday was catchy. This is just bad. I wish she would just sing and not have machines make her voice all weird. I heard her sing live on a talk show when someone asked her to sing on the spot and she was fine. This makes her sound like she can’t sing in the least. I’m not a fan! Either pick up your game or go away! Plus, it feels like she’s kind of throwing this song in everyone’s. I know people were saying some really harsh things about her and that sucks, but I don’t really appreciate the obvious attitude in this video and with the lyrics of the song. The people you're singing about can make or break you. The public can be really cruel and I would have cautioned against her attitude, but I guess we'll see where she goes.

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