Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A Wonderful Nightmare

I am so excited for this! I received a letter in the mail more than a year ago as a teaser and it’s almost here. LACMA will be having a Tim Burton exhibit starting in May and ending in October. There will be over 700 drawings, paintings, photos, moving images, storyboards, puppets, concept art, costumes, etc. Tim Burton is even bringing in work from his own archives. Stuff that hasn’t even been released. That sounds awesome. Yes, Tim Burton can be a little batty, but in kind of an awesome way. It makes me wonder what kind of dreams he has at night. I love how he uses so much color in everything he does. Even if the story is a dark story, there is so much color. I love the super artsy stuff. I think my favorite thing Tim Burton did was Beetlejuice. It’s one of those movies you can watch over and over again and always notice new things or gain appreciation for new things as you get older. I used to watch the cartoon before school when I was a kid, which he produced as well. I remember it being kind of gross, but I could handle it. Tim Burton will also have a book signing at LACMA. This is like the wet dream for crazy minds.

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