Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Ok, I'm kind of over the Bin Laden thing now. I mean I know it's important and people are happy about it, but that's the ONLY thing in the news. I guess it's better than something petty about a celebrity, but it's a little exhausted. All NPR and KROQ talked about this morning was Bin Laden. All BBC.com and LATimes.com had on their pages yesterday was the death of Bin Laden. Again, it's much better than something silly, but I'm a little tired of it. Maybe my attention span sucks. Either way, I'm going to attempt to get our minds off of it for a few minutes.

I've been having these crazy urges lately. I want to sit down and watch all the Back To The Future movies, E.T., and Jaws. I want to go on the tram ride at Universal Studios. I want to take a tour of the Warner Brothers lot and the Paramount Lot. I've been on both lots before, but for some reason I've been getting these intense urges to hang out on a studio lot. I'm not sure where this is all coming from, but the feelings just keep getting stronger and stronger. A bit ago, I found a Pixar documentary on NetFlix. It wasn't on instant so I couldn't watch it, but a few weeks ago it was instant and I watched it like 3 times. I'm getting an urge to start doing something great. Making movie magic or something. Because of my intense urge, I thought I would share a clip that I'm sure everyone has seen, but it's probably my favorite and I feel like it's kind of important. Especially now. Makes me want to get out and do something.

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