Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Voice

I hope you’re watching The Voice. It’s kind of a good show. I wasn’t sure how I was going to feel about it at first. I was scared it was going to be similar to American Idol, but it’s not at all and I totally appreciate that. There are no bad singers on this show. All the bad singers are gotten rid of before the cameras even started rolling. I really like that because I feel so bad for those people on American Idol. They treat them so horribly. The concept of this show is kind of cool. Various singers come out and the judges have their backs turned. This is all based on voice and not looks at all. If the judge likes what they hear, they push a button that turns their chair to face the singer. The singer then has an opportunity to be on that judges “team” to move on in the competition. Sometimes there is more than one judge to turn around and the singer gets to choose which judge they want to work with. If no judge turns, the singer is out. So that’s round one. Round two are the judges working with the singers on their team to make them all awesome. They all sing the same song and the judge has to eliminate the ones they don’t like after that one song. Eventually, it gets down to a few singers leaving America to vote for the one they like best. The winner becomes “The Voice.” It’s a very interesting concept.

The judges are a really cool group: Christina Aguilera, Cee Lo Green, Blake Shelton, and Adam Levine. I like that these people are singers themselves so they know how the business works and what people are looking for. American Idol had 2 producers and Paula Abdul. Such a horrible combination. I think only singers can appreciate other singers. I never understood how you could judge a singer when you can’t sing yourself. Either way, this show has an awesome concept and it’s one of the few reality shows I hope sticks around. Check it out when you get a chance. It’s on Hulu if you missed it on TV.

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