Monday, May 23, 2011

Weekend Movies and Show - Thor, Bridesmaids and God of Carnage

This weekend was a little jam packed with entertainment, which was a very nice change of pace. My boss gave everyone in our office movie passes for making him look good and he told us to go to the movies during our work time so on Friday, his assistant and I went to see Thor. It was totally not what I expected. I thought it was going to be a total war movie, but it wasn't at all. I mean there was fighting and what not, but not all out war. Basically, there is Thor in his world and he does something bad to get him banished by his father to Earth. There he meets Natalie Portman and her friends and his goal is to get back to his home. Other stuff ensues, but that would just ruin the movie. Natalie Portman has been searching for other life forms her whole life and then this guy comes along and proves her theories right and they fall in love blah blah. There were some very cheesy parts to the movie, but it was entertaining. If you're looking for mind numbing fun, this might be a good movie. I think Natalie Portman needs to pick it back up though. She was in an awesome award winning role and then does stupid movies like Thor.

On Saturday night I saw Bridesmaids because I kept hearing how awesome it was. People get saying it was the female version of The Hangover. I disagree completely. The Hangover was funny and had me laughing a lot, but Bridesmaids just made me sad. People around me were dying of laughter and I was just sad. The stuff that happened in the movie was sad. The main character was losing her best friend and destroying her happy moments and it just wasn't funny. Obviously, everything turns out good in the end. It definitely had me laughing at some points, but for the most part it made me feel bad for the characters. It's not necessarily a chick flick so if you're interested, you should see it.

Finally, last night I saw God of Carnage at the Ahmanson with my mom. I wanted to see it so badly because of Marcia Gay Harden and Jeff Daniels and of course they were both amazing. It's about these 2 couples coming together to discuss the fact that one kid hit the other kid with a stick and knocked 2 teeth out. The rest of the drama ensues from there. The set was destroyed by the end of the show. It had me laughing quite a bit. All the actors were from the original Broadway show and they won some awards so it was an awesome privilege to see them.

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