Friday, May 20, 2011

Good Friday

I read and every day to try and keep up with the insanity happening in the world. Yesterday, one of the headlines on BBC read “US man beats record with 25,000th Big Mac” and of course I needed to click on that article to find out what the hell it meant. A retired prison guard, Mr Gorske has eaten 25,000 Big Macs! McDonald’s even had a ceremony for him in his home town of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. He said he would eat Big Macs until he dies. This is insane. I mean I used to eat Big Macs every once in a while because I had a craving for a burger, but I always regretted it. No one needs that much hamburger. This guy was even in the documentary Super Size Me, which I really liked. If you haven’t seen it you should. It doesn’t make McDonald’s food look gross so no worries there it just shows the effect it can have on the body. Well, this guy is thin and his cholesterol is said to be low. I have a very hard time believing that! Anyway, Mr Gorske says he eats a Big Mac in 16 bites and keeps track of his consumption on calendars. Every week he buys six on Monday and eight on Thursday and keeps them in his fridge or freezer until he is ready to eat them. He said his wife told him the end will come when she has to put them in a blender. Seriously sick. This guy is insane. Obviously, his doctors don’t like what he’s doing, but I’m sure that won’t stop him anytime soon. Please don’t eat McDonald’s this weekend. I feel sick thinking about it.

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