Monday, May 2, 2011

Not Just Another Manic Monday

I hope everyone had an awesome weekend! I would be silly not to talk about the recent events in America so I will try to be brief, but I feel it's important. First of all, I want to say job well done to Obama. For so long people have said that they're done waiting for him to do what he said he would do. But all along in my head, I kept saying that we just need to wait it out. We all voted for him for a reason and there was no doubt in my mind that something would happen. He just happens to be very sly about it. There was no way he was going to leave office without doing anything. I think he's too good of a speaker and thinker and leader to just leave with nothing. Second of all, I want to say that he is awesome at playing the game. Here's why: He, after a long time of discussion, release his long form birth certificate and at first I was like "what the fuck, that was so unnecessary, screw Donald Trump and what he thinks," but now I see the bigger picture and Obama played the game so well. He released his birth certificate, which of course says he's a citizen and then he freaking kills Bin Laden. It was like a freaking one two punch right to the Republican/Donald Trump/Birther kisser. He can totally now say "screw you" to all of them. The second reason I think he plays the game well is because yesterday right before our people went in and killed Bin Laden, Obama was playing golf. He was telling these troops to go in and kill this dude all while playing golf. The reason he played golf was because if he didn't stay on his normal schedule, people would start to think something was happening. He's very good at keeping people at ease. So again, well done Obama.

Of course, I don't think this will end terrorism altogether, but I do think it will weaken Al Qaeda significantly. Yes, there is a successor who they say is smart and uses the internet and social networking to gain followers, but I also hear that not many people like him. That he lacks the leadership abilities that Bin Laden had. But even if Al Qaeda disbands, I think something new will come. There will always be some group targeting us. So my thought is that we should pull out of Afghanistan ASAP. I know that probably won't happen, but it's just a thought from a small citizen.

I know a lot of people are saying that they feel semi safe now that Bin Laden is dead, but I have to say that I don't. I fear for that counter attack. Maybe it won't come for a while and maybe it won't be on American soil, but I know there will be one and that scares me. Obama always had my vote and I will continue to vote for him. I know he will do a good job with whatever America faces. The death of the terrorist leader has nothing to do with my faith in Obama. It helps of course, but I kind of always knew this guy had something up his sleeve. I know there will be many more things to come. Maybe I'm naive when I say any of this, but those are my thoughts for now.

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