Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Killing

I think I’ve taken AMC for granted. The network used to have all older movies so I never paid much attention. I love older movies, but not all the time. New owners took over a few years ago and it’s been newer movies that I appreciate a lot, but it kind of ended there. Then, they had the series The Walking Dead, which was awesome and now they have the new series The Killing and I think I’ve developed a love for the network. I feel like they’ve established themselves. The Walking Dead as I’ve said many times was/is awesome and The Killing is pretty good thus far. I saw previews for it and had no desire to watch it. I actively skipped over it, but I heard some amazing things and decided to give it a shot. I am pleasantly surprised. AMC has done it again with a show that keeps you coming back for more. Just like The Walking Dead, The Killing has one story that carries throughout the entire season so you're angry when one episode ends and you can't wait to tune in again to see what happens. I hate it, but I love it! If you're not watching it, you should. All 3 episodes are on Check it out when you get a chance.

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