Thursday, April 14, 2011

Did I Do That?

The other day Kobe was kicked off the court for too many technical fouls and while he was walking to the bench, TNT caught him throwing a tantrum. And in that tantrum, he was throwing out anti-gay remarks at the ref. It makes me laugh that TNT caught this entire thing and now Kobe owes $100,000 in fines. Jeesh, I wish we could do that to everyone who made anti-gay remarks. I’m not sure where that money would go, but it sure as hell would stop people from saying bad things. Obviously, this being caught on camera is the reason he was fined and I’m sure if the camera didn’t catch him he wouldn’t be punished at all. But then again, if the camera didn’t catch him, no one would even know he made these comments. Either way, I’m happy he’s being punished. $100,000 is probably pocket change to him though. Turns out too, that the NBA was about to release a public service announcement campaign with the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) in order to present the league as being more "gay friendly." Guess they failed there. Good job Kobe. Stick it to the kids.

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