Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Book of Jobs

I’m not going to lie, I’m a little excited by this. Steve Jobs has authorized a biography to be written about him. It will be called iSteve: The Book of Jobs. I might be excited because he was one of the founders of Pixar and there will probably be some really good stuff in there about the first days of Pixar. Otherwise, I might skip the rest unless it’s super interesting. Biographer, Walter Isaacson will be writing the biography, which is kind of awesome because he’s written about Einstein and Ben Franklin and many others so he knows what he’s doing. I’m sure the book will focus on Apple more than anything else, but I will definitely read those chapters about his days at Pixar. It’s scheduled to come out next year. I hope this doesn’t mean he has been given a short time to live…. That makes me sad to think about.

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