Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Well, after all the hype and insanity surrounding the Charlie Sheen debacle, which I chose not to write about, he's been fired from Two and a Half Men. I chose not to comment before because I think this is all ridiculous. Our oil supply is being threatened and all people care about is Charlie Sheen. There was a huge earthquake in New Zealand and a lot of people died, but the only thing on the news is Charlie Sheen. I'm sad because his behavior has harmed a lot more people than just him. He's happy to be leaving the show. He claims it's the best thing that's ever happened to him, but what about the other actors? What about the 200 crew that have been working on that show for years? What about them? I've heard that the show may come back without Charlie Sheen, but I highly doubt that. You can't replace a main character like that. So my sadness goes out to all those people who are now out of a job. The people who have worked on that show forever now need to go out and look for a job in an industry where there are no jobs. Screw you Charlie Sheen. You're so selfish!

On a lighter note, this is hilarious!

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