Monday, March 7, 2011

Magic Monday

I love the new Disney photos by Annie Leibovitz. She started taking celebrity photos to celebrate Disney's Year of a Million Dreams about 4 years ago. These are the first new photos since 2009. Very exciting! Enjoy!

This one kind of cracks me up. Marc Anthony and Jennifer Lopez as Jasmine and Aladdin. Jessica Biel as Pocahontas. This photo seems weird to me. I'm not sure why.
Julieanne Moore and Michale Phelps as Ariel and her Merman.
Rachel Weisz as Snow White and her animals. Peter Pan is dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov and Wendy is model Gisele Bundchen. Tinker Bell is none other than freaking Tina Fey. So awesome!
Amazing! Queen Latifah as Ursula. Alice is Beyonce, the mad hatter is Oliver Platt and Lyle Lovett is the March Hare.
Hell yes! Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens for Sleeping Beauty. It would have been funny if they were Beauty and the Beast since she's in the movie Beastly.
Julie Andrews of course is the Blue Fairy and Abigail Bresslin is her apprentice fairy.
Whoopi of course. Kind of perfect.
Alec Baldwin and Olivia Wilde. This one might be my favorite.
Jeff Bridges and Penelope Cruise. This seems like a random pairing to me, but the photo is awesome.
God I love Annie Leibovitz and her awesomeness.

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