Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Tattoo Gone Wrong

I recently bought a shirt from Threadless with the saying “Movies: Ruining the Book Since 1920.” I thought it was funny so now I wear it. I love my movies, but sometimes Hollywood thinks that completely changing already written storylines makes things better, but it doesn’t. The stories were written the way they were for a reason. Hollywood just ruins the books we love. So what I saw the other day made me stand by that shirt. I was sitting in a waiting room and I saw a very large magazine with a goth looking chick on the cover. She was holding her jacket open with her bloody hands and her chest was tattooed with the name “Salander.” I knew right away she’s the actress, Rooney Mara, in the American movie version of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I loved the book and I was hoping that the American version would stay true to the book because the Swedish version doesn’t at all. Well, I was wrong. The American version will be just as skewed and off. The director, David Fincher, who is known for making crazy ass movies has already said that the ending is different and so are the characters personalities. Um, the book is as popular as it is because of the way the author wrote it. So why change that? Why would you change something so popular to be something that will probably bomb? These characters are likable the way they are so to even think of changing their personalities is insane to me. Plus, the plot is already amazing. Why change it? It makes me really sad. I didn’t really get a chance to read what the director was saying, but those few things stuck out in my mind and those few things are huge. I do have to say though that the other movies that David Fincher has directed are pretty damn good (Fight Club, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Se7en, Panic Room etc) so I can only hope that he does a damn good job with this movie. If I see the movie, I will probably wearing my new favorite Threadless shirt though. Hollywood can suck sometimes.

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