Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Waste of Time

Let's talk about The Bachelor for like 2 seconds because it doesn't deserve more time than that. I think this is the first season I haven't watched in a long time. Not because the guy left 2 girls at the final rose the last time he was on the show leaving America to find him untrustworthy (tabloid words, not mine), but because he talks slower than molasses and I wanted to gouge my eyes out! This guy was so boring, I'm surprised anyone watched the damn show. I watched the first 30 minutes or so of the first show and then deleted the rest of the season. I just couldn't take it. I guess he picked his girl, but they broke up before the show even aired. And that brings me to this blog. Why the hell is The Bachelor still on the air?!?! The network forks over so much money for what? These people break up anyway. Turns out, there have been 15 seasons with only one marriage that actually lasted and even they were having tough times and needed counseling. No one can fall in love on a set with cameras watching your every move. I mean come on. It's a waste of space in my Hulu queue and it's a waste of money. This network should say "no more Bachelor, we're sending all the money we spend on this show to Japan relief." Just saying.

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