Thursday, February 24, 2011

Plus 8 Again?

I’m not sure what to think about this. First of all, I can’t believe it has been almost 2 years since the huge Jon and Kate Plus 8 disaster. It feels kind of like it was yesterday. Second of all, I’m not sure if this is true love or if this is a publicity stunt, but the couple says they miss each other and Jon is trying to win Kate back. Oy vey. He got a job and everything. Again, not sure how I feel about this. They say they do everything for their kids and if there’s one thing they should do it should be to stay out of the lime light. There still might be hope for those kids. If they want to get back together I’m sure that will be good for their family, but if this is for publicity, they should all burn in hell. Jon has publicly apologized for what he did while Kate plays all innocent. I definitely think that the cameras caused all of this drama. They were both seriously out of control. Now that the cameras have gone away, this might be a good thing. That’s the price of fame I guess.

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