Friday, February 25, 2011

Major Win Blog Friday

Lady Gaga, you are now my hero! Remember not too long ago how all these articles were surfacing which named a bunch of businesses that supported anti-gay organizations and we all vowed never to go to those places again? Well, we can now cross Target off that list. I sigh with relief because I love me some Target. Lady Gaga has convinced Target to start supporting gay organizations and steer clear of the anti-gay organizations. That’s amazing! She met with them face to face and convinced them to change their ways:

“That discussion was one of the most intense conversations I’ve ever had in a business meeting,” Lady Gaga said. “Part of my deal with Target is that they have to start affiliating themselves with LGBT charity groups and begin to reform and make amends for the mistakes they’ve made in the past … our relationship is hinged upon their reform in the company to support the gay community and to redeem the mistakes they’ve made supporting those [antigay] groups.”

After their talk, Target has vowed to donate $500,000 to the LGBT community. Makes me wonder why they started giving money to anti-gay organizations in the first place. Either way, thank you Lady Gaga. And of course Elton John says her new song “Born This Way” is the new gay anthem.

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