Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Gunn to Snooki

Good for you Tim Gunn! Over the weekend, my mom and I were waking through Barnes and Noble and she noticed a book that had the name Snooki on it and she asked me who Snooki was. I told her and she had the most disgusted face. It was priceless. Well, now Tim Gunn is chiming in saying that he will not allow Snooki to be one of the guests on Project Runway. Yes! Get those low lives off my TV! Snooki isn’t even a celebrity and if they had her on that show, I would never watch it again. I can’t believe Snooki even got a book deal because the people who watch her on TV more than likely can’t read. I’m pretty sure Snooki can’t read. Anyway, this news made me happy and I had to share.

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