Thursday, February 17, 2011

Disney Dust

Another Disney Channel star is on the way to biting that dust, only this time it’s been a long time coming. Miley Cyrus has been in and out of the insane media with pictures of her smoking or taking pictures of herself half naked. This time, Billy Ray is speaking out. He blames Hannah Montana for all the insane stuff happening to Miley and their family. I guess Billy recently divorced his wife and of course, Miley is still Miley. It makes me sad because the show can actually be entertaining and Miley is actually kind of talented. Unfortunately, she’s a teenager with a bunch of parents watching her every move to see if she’s ok for their children to watch. Teenagers do crazy stuff like smoke weed and take crazy pictures. She just happened to do it in the eyes of the public. It sucks to be a teenage star on the Disney channel. I think we all should have learned our lesson long ago with Hilary Duff. She had to sprint away from the Disney scene to keep her head on straight. Billy Ray gets all the blame because he’s Miley’s dad, but kids do things all the time that their parents don’t know about. It’s the way growing up is. I guess pictures of Miley smoking a bong were released in December and he’s all heart broken about it and now she’s not really speaking to him. They should have ended Hannah Montana when they had the chance and Miley should have taken a small break and then come back away from Disney. As much as I love Disney, their channel seems to ruin teen actors.

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