Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Sorry I'm late. I had a dentist appointment. My teeth are all pretty now. :D

Christina Aguilera just can’t get a break can she? She was all over the news when she flubbed a line of the National Anthem during the Super Bowl and now she’s being harassed because she fell at the end of the tribute to Aretha Franklin during The Grammy’s. I watched that performance and I was kind of bored so I didn’t see the fall live, but I did watch an after video. The camera was so far back that if I didn’t know what I was looking for, I wouldn’t have seen it.

Poor thing. Yes, she messed up a line during the National Anthem and to some that’s a huge deal, but it was nowhere near the ridiculousness that Macy Grey tried to pull off back in the day when she messed up an entire verse. Or as bad as these people:

Christina said she was in the moment and got lost. It happens people. As for falling, her dress looked a little tight and I’m sure her heels were super high. She went to bow and lost her balance. I guess people always need someone to criticize for something. I thought she was awesome in Burlesque and she has one hell of a voice. I think people are just jealous. Sing your heart out girl!

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