Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I just….I don’t even…. I saw a commercial on Hulu yesterday for a new show called Genuine Ken. I never heard of it before so I clicked on the little ad link so I could see what the hell it was and oh my God. I have no words. Well, I have some, but they might be inappropriate. So, Whitney from The Hills is the host of this show and she is the biggest valley girl ever so that naturally makes the show a little lame. The show is about “the search for the great American boyfriend.” Yup. Mmhmm. I don’t even know what to say. Number one the show is called Genuine Ken so that shows that the Ken doll is considered to be a “great boyfriend,” but if you saw Toy Story he's a little gay. And number two each episode is a challenge to see which boy can perform better. There have already been 4 episodes. The first episode had an entertainment challenge to see who could be the most entertaining. The second was to see who could design better. Then, who could cook better. And then who could serf better. Really? So if the guy can serf he makes a good boyfriend? What about the books he reads or the way he thinks. Will those be episodes as well? One of my friends that I’ve known forever will be the first to tell you that a guy is boyfriend material if he can open a jar. Are we really that shallow?

On some level I’m happy to see a show where men are doing these things and not women for once, but regardless, it’s still super shallow. Part of me is curious and wants to watch the show, but the other part of me can’t even bring myself to watch. Take a look for yourself:

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