Friday, February 18, 2011

Fail Blog Friday

This is not ok with me. At the market, I try to avoid using the self check out machines because I’m not a fan of eliminating the man. I try to do things by hand when I can because again, I don’t want to eliminate people from their jobs. Well, I read an article the other day about the computer “Watson” playing on Jeopardy. The computer was able to answer questions right alongside other contestants and it even tied with one of them. That is not ok!!! Yes, it’s cool that computers have the ability to do those things, but has anyone ever seen the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey? The computer, Hal freaking tries to kill the dude. Hal can even read the astronauts lips. I mean that’s some scary shit. Also, has anyone ever read Fahrenheit 451? People are controlled by computers. So no thank you “Watson.” You can stay where you are. The fact that you’re smarter than me and don’t need me to tell you what to do is not ok!

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