Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Weekend Show - HAIR

I saw HAIR with my mom on Friday night. I figured she would be the best person to take because she loves the show and loved the production I did in college.

I’m always skeptical of other HAIR productions because I’ve seen the script and I know that it’s very open to interpretation. Some directors can do good things and some can do bad. I’ve seen both. This one was pretty good. The first act was a little slow, but the second act was definitely better. The guy who played Claude had the most amazing voice!

The thing that bothered me a little was the fact that there was no dancing. Yeah, the tribe members moved around and danced on their own during musical numbers, but there was no choreographed dancing. The production I did had choreographed dancing and it made the first act less boring, I think.

I think everyone should see this show. It’s about the war and being drafted and peace and all that hippie stuff. Don’t see the movie. Don’t ever see the movie. You’re doing yourself a real disservice if you do. See the play. It’s at the Pantages until January 23.

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