Wednesday, January 12, 2011

3-D Gatsby

I’m sure we’ve all read The Great Gatsby at some point in our high school career, right? I remember having to read it in AP English and I honestly only remember reading the words and retaining nothing. I think I was busy with other stuff and only read it because I had to. I should probably go back and read it again or at least read a synopsis so I can remember the jest of the story. I also remember one girl I was friends with leaning over in Trig class and telling me I reminded her of the The Great Gatsby because I was mysterious. It made me laugh then and it makes me laugh a little now. I think I’m pretty open…

Anyway, Baz Luhrmann will be directing a new film version of the book with Leonardo DiCaprio, Carey Mulligan, and Tobey Maguire. Interesting cast. Interesting director. I can see this movie being pretty good, actually. The only thing is that he might make it in 3-D. That’s Baz for ya. He always takes simple things and turns them into something more. I kind of like that about him. Although, I’m pretty sick of 3-D. Over the weekend I was at Barnes and Noble and I over heard this one mother telling her daughter she was sick of 3-D and was hoping it was on the outs. Glad to know I’m not alone on that one.

Either way, I would totally see this movie, 3-D or not. Like I said, Baz has a very interesting way of making movies and they’re usually amazing. I can only imagine he can make this movie pretty good.

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