Monday, January 10, 2011

Weekend Movie - Tangled

What a weekend, huh? Crazy shooter man killing and wounding a bunch of people including a congresswoman and a judge in Arizona. Insane stuff. So what better way to escape all that than with a Disney cartoon. I was finally able to gather the troops and see Tangled. My dad had some work to do so my mom and grandma were finally able to see the movie too. So cute!

I know Disney said they would stop making princess movies, but I think this one falls under Disney animation and not Disney princess. The male character, Flynn, was just as prominent if not more so than the female character, Rapunzel. It was a very good balance for boys and girls. Well, the movie isn't really for kids, but no Disney movie ever is. Either way, I think little boys would have been just as intrigued with this movie as little girls. I'm sure that was the goal anyway.

I was surprised there was singing in the movie. I know the majority of Disney movies have singing, but I didn't think this movie needed it. Rapunzel sang a song to allow her magical powers to come to life and that worked with the movie, but the rest of the singing for me wasn't necessary.

The plot was along the lines of the typical Rapunzel stories where she's locked in a tower and a man comes and finds her and saves her. Rapunzel's mom got very sick when she was giving birth and she was healed with a magical flower in turn causing Rapunzel to have magical powers. Rapunzel's hair comes to life and can turn anyone younger and heal any wounds so this old lady steals her when she's a baby and locks her in this tower so she can use the powers to stay young forever.

Rapunzel thinks this lady is her mother and has no idea about the outside world. She meets Flynn, who is a thief hiding in her tower and she asks him to take her to the castle because every year on her birthday they send floating lanterns into the air that she can see from her window and she wants to see them up close. Throughout the movie, she figures out that she's the reason they float the lanterns. It's her king and queen parents looking for their lost princess. Of course, Flynn and Rapunzel fall in love and live happily ever after in the castle. Simple and fun.

There were parts where I was totally teary eyed. I don't know why. I guess the movie was kind of heart warming.

The lantern scenes were so pretty! The animation was definitely amazing. This movie ranks high on my Disney animation movies list. Oh and the iguana was the best side kick ever! I want him. This is a must see!

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