Thursday, January 27, 2011

Grab Your Dick and Double Click

Oh Hugh Hefner. Always trying to bring the fun of naked women to everyone. He announced last week that there’s going to be a Playboy app for iPhone and iPad that will launch in March. No nudity will be allowed because Steve Jobs has moral codes he wants to follow, which I understand. Although I read that the iPad app won’t be censored… I’m confused here.

The app will have old and new issues of Playboy. This means every Playboy ever published. That might be kind of interesting actually. Although, it seems kind of pointless to me to have a Playboy app with no nudity. Isn’t that what Playboy is all about? “Tasteful” nudity? I’m sure the people who buy the magazine aren’t interested in the articles, right? Android doesn’t seem to have a problem with nudity on their network. Why didn’t Hef go there? Either way, I'm not in the market for an app like this.

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