Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Midweek Fail!

I had to run up to my desk and write this. I couldn't believe what I was hearing when I was driving in this morning. KROQ had their usual show biz update and they were talking about Elton John and how he and his partner have a new baby now. I saw them on the cover of a magazine and I thought it was super awesome. I remember someone wasn't allowing Elton to have a baby at one point so I'm glad he and his partner were finally able to have one. Well, the magazine with Elton on the cover with his partner and new baby are being sent out with plastic covers on them just like they do with Playboy and Maxim. They're trying to cover up the fact that the cover portrays a gay couple with a baby. REALLY?!?!?! Are you fucking kidding me?!?! Who is being hurt by this image that you feel the need to hide it? Tell me now because I'm really curious. No one is kissing on the cover. They're all clothed. All they're doing is posing with their new baby. KROQ was saying the magazine is trying to protect families and children. Fuck you!!!! Children don't give a shit and they're probably gay anyway. I hate you fucking religious fanatic fucks! If there was someone to boycott, I would be doing it right now!

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