Friday, January 28, 2011

Fail Blog Friday

I was putting this off, but I can no longer ignore it. Skins on MTV. Enough said for some of you I suppose. Have any of you watched it? I watched the first episode because I was curious what all the crazy press was about. It’s definitely not my kind of show. I don’t care about teenagers doing drugs and having sex. I was a teenager once. I don’t care to watch others be teenagers. So parents are all up in arms because they say the show is child porn. Sigh. I guess they can argue that because the actors are under 18, but there’s no real sex happening. There may be kissing and there may be touching, but as far as I know, that’s as far as it goes. I’ve seen shows where real sex happens. So why is everyone freaking out? Look at Jersey Shore. Those kids have real sex in front of real cameras all the time and no one seems to be freaking out about their kids watching that. Snookie can fall down drunk and you’re ok with your kids watching that? It’s MTV. So either shut up and realize that your kids are doing this shit anyway or block MTV. Also, I saw a clip of 2 girls kissing in an episode and I had to put in my birthday in order to watch it. All these girls did was kiss. That kind of pisses me off. If it was a guy and a girl in the same clip doing the same things, my birthday wouldn’t be necessary. I hate you homophobic America! I can't seem to find the clip. Seems like the interwebs have taken it away.

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