Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Love Word

I never watched The L Word for a few reasons. I didn't get Showtime so even if I wanted to watch I couldn't, I had no freaking clue what the show was about/when it was on, and I had no clue was the the title meant. The L Word? What does that mean? Obviously, I was super naive. Not too long ago, I saw that one of my friends had a few seasons on DVD so I asked to barrow them. Boy was I in for a treat. I watched the entire first season and a few episodes into the second season and I had to stop. The show made me feel awful. These women were total bitches. They would cheat on each other and they would just do nasty things. Plus, there was way too much sex happening for my taste. It was like a porn. So I stopped and never wanted to go back.

A few weeks ago, I was looking up Jessica Capshaw on YouTube because she's cute and I saw that she was on a few episodes of The L Word. I watched the clips and it was alright. Those clips led me to more L Word clips and I saw something nice. I saw two people being nice to each other and loving each other. So I decided I should just skip all the crazy seasons and watch the last 2 seasons. I've been pleasantly surprised. The two main characters, Bette and Tina, love each other again. Yes, there was cheating to get them back together and there is of course a lot of drama, but they love each other again.

I think that was my main problem with the show from the beginning. No one was nice to anyone. Everyone was cheating and stabbing each other in the back and just being plain nasty. Why would I want to watch a show that's supposed to represent a minority who's trying not to be a minority and see nasty bitches doing nasty shit to each other? It didn't seem right to me. I may or may not go back and watch other seasons, but for now I'm satisfied with watching girls be nice to each other. I know a lot of lesbians watched the show out of sheer obligation. Did anyone ever enjoy watching the show? I highly doubt it. Plus, why would I want to watch a show that makes me hate Jennifer Beals? She's way too hot to hate.

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