Thursday, December 2, 2010

Doodle Controversy

Yesterday was the 55th anniversary of Rosa Parks standing her ground and not moving to the back of that damn bus. Totally something every American should be happy about and Google paid homage on their home page with a cute little school bus and kids spelling out the word Google, but instead of being excited about the civil rights movement, people were upset with Google for not representing World AIDS Day on their homepage. Yes, AIDS is a huge disease and many people have it and it needs to be fought, but I feel like everyday is AIDS day. People are always fighting AIDS and I think Rosa Parks and the civil rights movement deserves one day of recognition. No one should be sorry for that. It made me so sad to hear that people were upset about the Rosa Parks cartoon. Yahoo had a little red ribbon next to their name on the home page and nothing representing Rosa Parks and no one was angry about that. Yes, Google is a bigger and more well known search engine, but they can always pay tribute to AIDS, right? AIDS will be remembered everyday for a long time, but Rosa Parks can easily be forgotten and that's not ok.

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