Tuesday, November 30, 2010


The Palin's always amaze me and I don't know why. Maybe because they're ridiculous and yet get everything in the world. Maybe because they're really dumb and have found a way to be in your living room twice a week. I'm not sure, but the news I heard this morning made me a little sick to my stomach. KROQ does this thing called "the showbiz beat" and it's basically all the dirty stuff happening in Hollywood. It's probably my favorite part of the morning show. This morning they were talking about how Bristol Palin has received all of these deals after being on Dancing with the Stars. She has a book deal, she has a deal with a clothing line to be a spokes person, and she has a deal to do another reality show. And to top it all off, she's going to be traveling around as some sort of speaker and she will be making millions. Just for speaking. The rest will make her even more money. Sick!!! What the hell did she ever do in her life to make her worthy of this? I haven't done much more than her and I feel I'm more worthy than she is. We're all more worthy than she is! She isn't anyone I want anyone I know to strive to be. She has an insane mother, she had a kid when she was like 12, and she can't dance. Oh and speaking of which, I also heard that the votes for her on Dancing with the Stars were rigged!!! If those votes are rigged, imagine what people are capable with her mom. That's some scary shit.

Her mom is a whole other story. She has to fly a private jet everywhere she goes. No excuses. She needs a bendy straw to brink with, which is kind of old news and any question she's ever asked needs to be screened by her "people." I think I just threw up a little.

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