Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I Think We Have an Emergency

I’m so sad. I’m probably the only one who cares about this, but 2 of the original band members of Paramore have left the band. They’ve gone on to pursue their own music careers. It always kind of baffles me when people do that. You got started with the band and the band is doing well so why leave? Maybe the dynamic in the band isn’t a happy one and they want to leave because of that, but it still seems odd to leave something so successful. It’s like when actors leave very popular TV shows to pursue a movie career and then you never see them again. The rest of the band, including the lead singer are going to stay behind and keep the band going so that’s good news. Not too long ago I heard a rumor that the band split up completely and I was devastated. Hayley, the lead singer is my favorite in the band so that news made me happy, but the 2 guys leaving are major parts of the band.

One is the drummer and the other is lead guitar. They’re both kind of amazing. Sigh. I hope the band doesn’t suffer now that they’re gone. Ok I’ll stop boring you now.

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