Monday, December 20, 2010

Manic Monday

Well, we did it. Americans have taken a very large step in the right direction. Don't Ask, Don't Tell was repealed over the weekend. People can now serve openly. That's huge. I think I realized how huge it actually was when a poll was taken to see how this would affect troops and almost everyone said it wouldn't. Why should it? As long as you're all focusing on the same effort, who cares which sex you like. Who cares!!! So again I say we have taken a huge step. This one step can lead to even more large steps, such as legalizing gay marriage. And then, we've made it. I'm very happy about this and we can only hope for more in the future. I know we will get there.

I would also like to point out that Obama is the President while all this is happening. That's all.

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