Friday, December 3, 2010

Nonfail Blog Friday

I love scrapbooking, but it's always a pain in the butt. I always lay everything out on the floor in my room and the when I'm done I have to clean it all up and I kind of just want to leave it there. When I put everything away, I'm less likely to take it out again and make something. Plus, now I have a kitten who gets into EVERYTHING. I need an room to myself just for scrapbooking. Yesterday, I was told about this one website called Picaboo that scarpbooks for you. I know it's a cop out, but it's soooo cool. You upload all your images and create your pages and all that fun stuff and they send you a hard copy of what you created. The cost is about the same you would spend on supplies and printing the photos so it's totally worth it. I'm seriously considering leaving all my scrapbooking stuff in the closet and just using this website forever! It's always nice to have a photo album to take off the shelf and look through. It's also a great gift since the holidays are near and they have a 30% off deal going on right now. Sigh. Watch the video, it's amazing. Happy scrapbooking Friday.

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