Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Dark and Twisted

Am I crazy for wanting to see Black Swan? My roommates and a few other friends keep telling me I am, but it looks kind of interesting. I've always been a fan of those crazy, dark movies. I don't know why. I was kind of obsessed with Hard Candy for a while and that movie is kind of messed up. I appreciate the art of it, I guess. When I pretended to be an actor in high school and college, my favorite roles were always the super messed up roles. I liked playing the girl who stole a baby and was taken to jail. I liked playing the girl who was raped and impregnated by the family priest. It appealed to me. So needless to say, this movie appeals to me. Plus, I hear there's a hot lesbian scene. Who can go wrong there? It would also be nice to see Mila Kunis in something other than That 70's Show.

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