Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Devil Toys

I was never a big fan of Barbie. My uncle used to buy them for me and I had one of the jeeps, but for the most part they sat in a duffle bag in the back of my closet and I played with my brother’s toys. I thought Barbie was boring. She didn’t do anything whereas my brother’s toys made noises and could shoot things. I still think boys have better toys. This is kind of old news, but I haven’t heard about it until just now because of all the holiday madness. Mattel came out with a Barbie that shoots up to 30 minutes of video called Girl Doll. You can shoot whatever you want and then you can upload the video to your computer. So these little girls are taping their tea parties? I don’t understand.

The camera is on Barbie’s chest and the screen is located on her back. I understand that shooting video is the new big thing, but what the hell does an 8 year old need a video camera for? It baffles me. Mattel was always that company that seemed to stay true to cool kids toys, but I don’t really like them right now.

The thing that makes me giggle a little is the fact that the FBI is all worried because someone could get a hold of these videos and use them as child porn. I mean I guess it makes sense, but I’m sure these 8 year olds aren’t uploading their tea parties to YouTube after school. Oy vey. I don’t even know what to say anymore.

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