Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Why Tron?

I guess I’m not nerdy enough, but what’s the big deal with Tron? I know it was a movie in the 80’s, but everyone seems to be going ape shit over this new movie. Disneyland has incorporated a lot of Tron stuff into their parks as well. They have this entire Tron section in California Adventure, probably to distract from all the construction they have going on. Even World of Color, the new California Adventure water show has a Tron thing at the end. I haven’t seen any of this, but I read a lot about Disney. I heard it’s all really cool. Disney is even thinking of adding a Tron ride to Tomorrowland to spruce up the land. To be honest, the only reason I go into that land anymore is for Space Mountain so they could stand to add another E-ticket type ride.

So my question still stands. What’s the big deal? Maybe I need to watch the original movie or something because I’m stumped. Yes, I’ve seen the previews for the new movie, but it looks like another action space adventure movie to me, while everyone around me in the theatre was freaking out. The trailer does look pretty cool though.

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