Wednesday, November 17, 2010


BARF!!!! Can you believe that 5 million people tuned in to watch the Sarah Palin show on TLC? Why people why?!?! Well, to be fair, if I had known when it was on, I probably would have tuned in just to see her train wreck and I'm hoping that's what other people did because if they watched it for pleasure, she will be the next President. 5 million people. That's a lot. All she did was fish and kill bears I'm sure. It's one of those things where we need to get the numbers for the second episode to judge for sure.

Also, what the hell is wrong with TLC? I used to like that channel until the insane Jon and Kate Plus 8 thing and now they give Sarah Palin a show. I want to know who's in charge of that network and I want to know how these things happen. Not only are there shows like Jon and Kate, but what about The Duggars with their 19 Kids and Counting shenanigans? It makes me sick to see that many children in one family. Is TLC trying to show us how we shouldn't be or will they just do anything for ratings? It scares me! I won't even post a video cause no one will watch it.

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