Wednesday, September 8, 2010


There are some crazy phobias in the world. There are the obvious phobias: fear of spiders, heights, walking under ladders, etc. Well, I was listening to the radio the other day and they were talking about the fear of bananas. What’s so scary about a banana? Then, they opened up the phone lines and had people call in and talk about their weird phobias and one person said fear of cotton balls and another said fear of mustard. I’m sitting there laughing at these people for their weird phobias and then I realized I have one of my own. I never thought of it as a phobia until this radio show. My fear is of wooden spoons. Yup, wooden spoons. I can’t do ice cream cups that come with wooden spoons. I can’t even think about wooden spoons without getting chills. My teeth start to feel all weird. That’s mainly where the phobia stems. I don’t like the feeling of it on my teeth and even the thought of it right now makes me shudder. I decided to Google my fear and see if there was some sort of official name. Turns out I’m not alone in this. There’s an entire Facebook page dedicated to people with the fear of wooden spoons. But here’s the thing. My fear isn’t of all wooden spoons. I can cook with wood spoons and I can touch them, but the second I think about putting one in my mouth, it’s over. Looks like the official term is koutaliaphobia. Fear of wooden spoons. So there you have it. I realized something new about myself and now I’m kind of weird.

1 comment:

  1. "and now I’m kind of weird." ... only now that your fear of spoons has a name are you weird. Never before that though.
