Thursday, September 9, 2010

No One Likes You

M. Knight Shyamalan is coming out with a new movie called Devil and I have no desire to see the movie simply because his name is attached. I don’t understand why they keep letting him make movies. They’re awful!!! I will give him credit for The Sixth Sense. That movie was very good, but after that it’s like someone took his imagination away. He had one good movie in him and that was it, but no one seems to be stopping him from using up studio money and making crap movies. One of my coworkers said he was sitting in a movie theatre and they showed a preview for Devil and everyone in the audience was oohing and awing until M. Knight’s name came on the screen and everyone pretty much booed. That’s really bad.

I haven’t seen all of his movies because it would be a waste of my time, but I have seen a few before I came to my senses. My biggest beef is probably with Signs. That movie was alright until the moment you see the aliens and they look like the Grinch Who Stole Christmas. Leave that shit up to the imagination! Seeing their shadows and hearing them walk through the house is scary, but seeing fuzzy green men totally takes that fear away. Humans fear the unknown, that’s human 101, and the movie probably would have been better if the audience was allowed to use their imagination. The second I saw the fuzzy men, I checked out and the movie was dead to me. Also, the alien sightings in the movie went global and it would have been creepier if they stayed in the one small town where the movie took place. I also saw parts of The Happening and that movie is just laughable. The wind makes people kill themselves? Oy vey.

M. Knight does a cameo in the majority of his movies and that urks me. Who the hell does he think he is? Leave that stuff to the pros like Hitchcock. He knew how to make many good movies. Not just one. Seriously, someone needs to take this rich kids privileges away. Just because you have money and think you can do whatever you want, doesn’t mean you should.

Rant over.

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