Thursday, June 10, 2010

World Cup Part 1

The 2010 FIFA World Cup is finally here. I will more than likely be writing a lot about it in the next month so bare with me. It should be fun. My brother is working in the studio where I work as we speak working on the live streaming of the opening ceremonies, which occur today. The games begin tomorrow at 7:00am PST. I am soooo excited I can barely contain myself. Normally, I hate watching men play soccer. They get super dramatic and it's no longer about the game. They get really selfish and it's just not fun to watch, but the World Cup is the biggest sporting event in the world and soccer is my sport so I watch and get excited. The game I am most looking forward to is on Saturday when the U.S. plays England. That should be an incredibly exciting game. I'm getting the Brazilian Blowout that day so I'm hoping I can catch some of the game here and there. If you're interested in catching the opening ceremonies, it will be streaming on VEVO, ABC, and ESPN at 11:30am PST today. The artists who will be performing are shown in the picture above.

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